Killing Hell

aka: Killing our perception of Hell

By Philip Pfanstiel

What if our understanding of Hell is the greatest insult to a loving God?  One description of the beast is that it is covered with blasphemies.  Could our modern understanding of Hell (as a place of eternal torment) be one of the greatest blasphemies/insults to God’s character imaginable perpetrated by the father of lies?

I apologize right off, if I’m underplaying this.  Forgive me if I think too small.  🙂

I hate Hell.  So much so that I started to resent the god that would send people there.  Okay, not really started to.  I resented God for His cruelty.  When the Marvel Super-villain Thanos is more compassionate than Yahweh our Elohim (The Lord our God) something is seriously messed up.

Apparent cruelty.”  What if we are more interested in defending our understanding of God, than in defending the character of the God that is beyond any understanding … but who has revealed Himself as Love Incarnate?  Something doesn’t jive.  If you read this whole article I welcome your disagreement, comments, questions and maybe, support.  I don’t pretend to have arrived, but I have left the boat.

A Christian publisher referenced some research at a recent conference I attended.  He said that this is the first generation that believes that to become a Christian would mean to become “LESS MORAL” (emphasis added).  The culture sees Christians as full of hate, racism, intolerance, and judgment.   And they aren’t too far off.  This opened up a can of worms in my head, but for this entry, I’ll stay focused on the hot place.

Spoiler Alert: I’ve come to believe in Annihilation for those who reject God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus.  Simply put when the Bible says “perish” it means exactly that.  And while there is eternal life in Christ, there is not an eternal suffering (though the judgment is an eternal judgment in that it is not reversible).

Many Christians that I have discussed this with go right back to “but the Bible says …” and then bring up verses that talk about perishing, death, judgment, etc… but try to find one about “eternal suffering” and they squirm.

My thoughts on this have evolved over the years.  I’ll present them in the order that they developed (as best as I can remember).

Jesus is the Judge (not a switch): The 1st realization was the most profound.  I started to despise God for sending people to Hell.  One day while I was simmering in my own self-righteousness, God asked me a simple question, “How much do you love people?”  My mind immediately went to the picture of Jesus hanging on the cross with his shattered, blood-soaked humiliated body and arms outstretched with the caption “I ask God how much he loved me.  ‘This much’ was his reply.”

God knows how to move past all the intellectual barriers and get to the heart of the issue.  I was exalting my love for people over that of the love of Jesus Christ – and He loves them A LOT more than I do or ever could.  The next thought that followed my revised perspective was that “Jesus is the JUDGE of the living and the dead.”  Simply put, judges judge.  Jesus is not a switch.  CW says either someone prayed the sinner’s prayer (and they get in, no questions asked) or they didn’t pray the prayer (and go to Hell).  You don’t need a judge for that, all you need is a switch.  Yes or No.  1 or 0.  On or Off.  Jesus is the judge, and His judgments are right and true.  This realization was the first in my journey of killing (our perception of) Hell.  A compassionate, all-knowing Judge who has already paid the price – I’m thankful He is the Judge and not a switch.

Character of God: God does not rejoice at the death and suffering of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23, 33:11).  He goes to great lengths to draw and entice sinners to repentance.   John 3:16 and many others suggest God’s LOVE compelled him to seek and save so that we wouldn’t perish BUT have everlasting life.  Why if He cares so much about the suffering of people in THIS life, would He design an afterlife of eternal suffering?  Remember, God made the rules (so the argument that He doesn’t want to, but HAS to, doesn’t hold up).

Eternal suffering is just mean.  People will argue, God doesn’t send people to Hell.  People choose to go to hell.  I’ve read WAY too many missionary biographies to buy this load of crap (pardon my frankness).  People are deceived, lied to, manipulated and confused.  (See Lord’s of the Earth by Don Richardson – my favorite and the most distressing missionary biography I’ve read).

My personal opinion (which I already know is wrong) is that everyone would choose salvation through Jesus if they had all the facts (and hadn’t been clouded by hurts, lies, and control).  I know I’m wrong because people still rejected Jesus because their deeds were evil (John 3:18-20).  Nevertheless, people choosing Hell – I don’t buy that.  I think that is lazy theology (accepted because of historical precedent and it takes too much energy to go against the tide of religious “orthodoxy”).  It sounds good, but it rings hollow and callous.  Obviously, I’m suggesting a radical makeover.  If it works for decrepit houses, it might just work for the House of God (as the research attests – we have lost something vital if the ungodly are perceived as MORE moral).

People have and will reject Jesus.  Pride is the biggest culprit.  But them rejecting Jesus and CHOOSING an eternal state of suffering – not the same thing.

Personal note: I’ve been rejected by a few women in my life.  I’ve accepted their rejection, and my life will move on without them.  And maybe their life will be poorer without me (or better, if truth be told – IDK).  But I don’t wish harm or ill will on anyone that has rejected me.  I wish them the best (or 2nd best 🙂 ).  Why, if I being evil can release those who have rejected me, would a loving God design an outcome where they suffer forever for rejecting Him?  Such a god sounds like a monster.

And maybe that’s the point.  This understanding that God will make people suffer forever for rejecting Him is an outright lie and perversion of the truth.  Which leads to …

Doctrine of Demons: Devils don’t rule Hell.  Hell (later the Lake of Fire) is their punishment.  Twisting things like they do (I’ve seen them twist so many things in my life lately I’m starting to discern a pattern) it seems interesting that a fate reserved for them has been twisted into a place where they rule and get to torment us.  They wish!?  The truth is that the Lake of Fire is THEIR destination (Revelation 20:10).

Returning to the first lie in the Garden of Eden, “Has God said?”  What does the Bible say about sinners?  It says they perish at the 2nd death.  It never says that humans will suffer forever.  It does say that Satan, fallen angels, the false prophet and that motley crew will be tormented forever.  My understanding is that they are spirit (not body) so they cannot die.  But humans that are thrown into the Lake of Fire – they experience the 2nd death.  They are annihilated.  Reread Revelations 20-21 and see for yourself.

A Vampire’s Eternal Suffering: If you look at the Fall (see Genesis 3:22), the reason God kicked them out was so that they wouldn’t take of the fruit of the Tree of Life and live forever (like the Ben Elohim [angels] that God is talking to).  He knew that in this fallen state mankind would become something akin to vampires or the undead.  Not alive, but not dead – an unclean state in-between.  And if they had taken of the Tree of Life they would be eternal and the judgment against the fallen angels (Revelation 20:10) of eternal torment would apply to them as well.

This is in effect what happened to the Nephilim / giants.  They were an abomination and will never find rest.  Demons are the “unclean spirits” that resulted from the sin of the watchers (Genesis 6:1-5) and in many ways suggest what man could have become if God had allowed Adam and Eve to remain in the garden.

The Weeds: I could get in the weeds here by discussing The Book of Enoch, the Watchers, Nephilim and the judgment that was issued against them.  Suffice to say that they were not deceived, chose to rebel and yet were judged by being bound in chains for 70 generations (2 Peter 2:4).  This judgment was shocking to the hosts of heaven.  Compare that to the idea that deceived, ignorant humans would be tormented forever.  Doesn’t jive.  I can discuss this further in a follow-up entry if there is interest.

I know you are but what am I?  One tactic I’ve become accustomed to is “the best defense is a good offense.”  It seems that Satan will always accuse us of the things HE is doing.  They did it to Jesus.  They’ve done it to believers throughout history.  Watch the news and you see the same strategy play out on a daily basis.  In Israel, I saw this firsthand how people (on both sides) that were seeking peace were accused of violence, while the accusers were using innocent lives as shields.  In a world rushing to judgment oftentimes truth (all too tragically) is the 2nd voice that is not heard.

I think this is what we’re seeing with Hell.  Satan has twisted the truth of his judgment (he is NOT going to Disney World) and instead defamed the character of God by twisting it through exaggeration, deception and the largest bait and switch ever.

Lake of Fire and the Mark of the Beast: There is a lot that we don’t know about the Mark of the Beast and the Lake of Fire.  But one theory is that the Mark of the Beast will be a perverting of the human genome through genetic editing.  Mankind is made in the image of God.  But if enough of that code is edited, spliced and diced in order to become immortal (take of the “Tree of Life”), then could humans become “beasts” or an abomination?  Basically, those who take this “Mark” will become like the Nephilim and bring upon themselves the same fate as the demons and devils (fallen angels), who, unlike humans, are still aware/alive apart from their body.  Revelation 9:6 is an interesting verse that hints at the impossibility of death, even though men seek it.  Maybe these men have already altered their genetic code and cannot die (but will suffer in their undead bodies).  This is not a central pillar of my argument, but something worth considering.

Nature of Humanity and Life: Body, mind, and spirit.  A body without the soul and spirit is dead.  A spirit or soul without the body is “asleep” (I Thessalonians 4:13-14) until all three are reunited at the resurrection.  This article is not about Gnosticism but it does bear mentioning in that they exalted the spirit, tolerated the soul and abhorred the body.

A lot of modern Catholic and Protestant orthodoxy/teachings are built on a basis of Greek thought (which was greatly influenced by Gnosticism) and separated from the Hebraic understanding (the culture in which the Bible was written).  I’ve already written about how this affected a proper understanding of marriage and divorce (and remarriage).  I think it also affected a proper understanding of Hell.

Suffice to say, that the resurrection of the body is actually a pretty big deal.  There are many understandings about this in Christianity, but my own is that when we die we enter “soul sleep” until we are awakened at the resurrection.  This is not a central doctrine (and I don’t pretend to be an expert on it) but IF it takes all three parts of us together to be ALIVE, then when the ungodly are thrown in the Lake of Fire at the final judgment and their bodies are consumed … then the verses about perishing and the 2nd death make a lot more sense.  Simply put, they are no more.  They perish.  Their memory perishes.  This is a really serious punishment.  Begs the question; isn’t an eternal suffering overkill?  I mean, serious OVERKILL!!!

God is Life: God routinely refers to himself as the creator and source of life.  There are many verses that speak to this but when you start noticing it they pop up everywhere.  The other day I came across I Timothy 6:13, 16 “… God, who gives life to all things … who alone has immortality …”

My take is that man (men and women) are triune creations (body, soul, and spirit) and that the body is essential for life (unlike creations that are spirit only).  If the body is destroyed in death (1st or 2nd) then they are no more.  Unless they are resurrected and God – who as Paul states – gives life and immortality to all in His presence.

What we Fear we Worship: Hell has become the focal point, and not the rewards of Heaven.  Jesus talked a lot more about the rewards of Heaven, then he did Hell or punishments.

Recently on my Youtube channel (philipfiles) I posted a video about false positives.  What if Hell has become the ultimate false positive?  Well-meaning people throughout church history have used the idea of eternal suffering in Hell to coerce, manipulate and control people to accept “fire insurance.”  From “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God” to purgatory, indulgences and modern-day hate filled epitaphs directed at anyone who doesn’t see it “our way.”

The truth is that Hell is a great sales tool/motivator.  Conventional wisdom says that people react best to fear and greed.  But are these God’s ways?  It seems clear that God’s preferred means of relationship is neither fear nor greed, but Love.

Fear can also twist things beyond recognition and turn a beautiful truth into a horrific vision.  Jeff Swanson, the author of the Plan Bible, stated at a recent retreat that people worship what they fear.  Applying that to Heaven and Hell – Heaven comes across as baby angels on clouds with boring harps.  While with Hell fear and sadistic curiosity have created layers, punishments and an elaborate hierarchy of misdeeds and missteps.

When you really study covenants and the teachings of Jesus it becomes clear that while there is a Hell (torment for rebellious spirits, annihilation for humans IMO), Heaven is much more complicated (beautiful, interesting, compelling, real, organic, etc…).  There are different rewards, crowns, levels of responsibility, treasures, and roles (some just get in – servants, others are friends, while some are “the bride”).

As this entry is fastly becoming an epistle I shall end with a personal thought.  There are many verses and thoughts that I’m omitting at this point (feel free to point them out – it makes the discussion more fun) for the sake of possible consumption (if it’s too long, no one will read it).

Personal Conclusion: My life the past few years has been a roller coaster of highs, lows and many pouting sessions with God.  In one of these sessions, I was mad at God because things didn’t turn out the way He had told me they would.  His response was classic God, “A lot of people judge me based off incomplete knowledge.”

He is and was very kind and not condemning.  I’ve found in my journey with God that He doesn’t defend Himself.  If I want to throw a hissy fit, He’ll let me.  And then when I’m done He’ll comfort me.

Some people say God told them to do this or made them do that.  That’s not been my experience.  My experience is that He asks me a lot of questions – He’s a true gentleman and never goes against my will.  Even though I’ve gone through some un-fun stuff of late, I have to admit that He warned me and gave me options.  While the path we’ve taken was by His leading, it was with my agreement and in hindsight, full consent (looking backward I see the wisdom in the path).

One of the hardest things I’ve had to endure emotionally is people that I care deeply for have an unbalanced if not false view of me.  I’ve been tempted to defend myself (with terrible results) and want to explain myself.   But until someone is wanting an honest answer, they won’t ask an honest question.  God, I feel, is wanting to reveal who He really is to us if we will but ask.  But until we are ready for an honest answer He’ll allow us (no matter how much it hurts Him and us) to embrace a lie or false view of Him.

I feel that we can’t fully understand, love and embrace our Creator, friend and lover while we hold to blasphemies/perversions of His character (namely this perverted view of Hell).  Maybe, here’s a thought, instead of studying doctrinal decrees, CW and old wineskins we go to God ourselves and ask Him some honest questions.  The answers have always surprised and brought me peace.  I think they will bring you peace as well.

As I edited this entry (yes, I did edit some stuff out) the song “Your Love is Mine” by I Am They began to play.  I think the truth of this song says it more succinctly or beautifully than I ever could.

“Life will rise
Death will die
Your love is mine (x2)
Stains washed white
You paid the price
Your love is mine (x2)”

P.S. By the way, it was two years ago today that I posted “To Hell with Hell” on my Youtube channel.  It was a more lighthearted – live action (some Hell goats made a cameo) take on this same topic.   Feel free to watch it instead of reading this whole article.  Probably should have put this note at the top. 🙂